Chicamacomico readies for centennial
Published 10:01 pm Friday, July 6, 2018
- Mary Helen Goodloe-Murphy photo At Chicamacomico Life-Saving Station, volunteers Larry Grubbs (in the hole), Rob Huggett (left) and Sandy Sanderson are working concrete into a form to anchor the station’s original yardarm flag pole. Sending the concrete down the chute is Cliff Davis from Commercial Ready Mix Products, which donated the four yards of concrete required for the job. The flag pole will be erected and dedicated July 18 with a flag flown over the U.S. Coast Guard Commandant Headquarters.
Chicamacomico readies for centennial
By Mary Helen Goodloe-Murphy
Since 2014, Chicamacomico Historical Association’s Board of Directors has been preparing for this year’s centennial commemoration of the Mirlo rescue.
Commemoration events are now in place for Aug. 13 -17.
And, the historic site of the Chicamacomico Life-Saving Station is almost dressed up and ready.
Requests for help from the association’s volunteer board members have been honored by agencies, foundations, businesses and individuals.
Projects restored, rehabilitated or replaced include the 1874 station roof, the 1911 station roof and sides and the 1911 station windows and doors. Public restroom facilities, which the station has never had, are almost completed. The parking lot has a new rock surface and no potholes. A new site sign is out front. New bollards and rope around the site perimeter are in place.
A yardarm flag pole that travelled to Oregon Inlet stations and back to Chicamacomico is sanded and ready for installation Wednesday, July 18.
The improvements totaled over $350,000.
The National Park Service is fixing up Motor Surfboat 1046, the very surfboat used in the Mirlo rescue which is on display in the site’s 1874 building. The restoration crew is expected to return the week of July 16.