BOE members sworn in, board reorganized

Published 4:44 am Sunday, January 20, 2019

On Dec. 11, the Dare County Board of Education swore in new and returning members before going into a closed door meeting.

Sworn in were re-elected board members Joe Tauber and Margaret Lawler and newly elected District 1 board member Frank Hester.


Re-elected board member Joe Tauber is sworn in by Georgia Sellers. Tauber is joined by John Luciano. DCS photo



Re-elected board member Margaret Lawler is sworn in by Georgia Sellers. Lawler is joined by Ben Sproul. DCS photo



Newly elected board member Frank Hester is sworn-in by Georgia Sellers. Hester is joined by his family. DCS photo

At the regular meeting and after a choral performance by the Manteo High School Choir, the board reorganized.

Bea Basnight was re-elected chair of the board. Ben Sproul nominated Basnight. Mary Ellon Ballance seconded the nomination.

Nominated for vice chair was Mary Ellon Ballance. Tauber made the nomination, which was seconded by member David Twiddy. No other nominations were forthcoming. The vote was six to one with board member and current vice chair Margaret Lawler voting no.

The board met in closed session before the regular 5 p.m. meeting and then again after the regular meeting until around 9 p.m.

During the regular meeting, the board approved an amendment to the Government Education Access Channel Committee Interlocal Agreement. The amendment allows the committee to transfer money between line items as long as it does not affect the total annual operating budget. The amendment also clarifies that contingency line item can be transferred for expenditure as needed.

The board adopted on the first reading a technical revision to Policy 3565/8320 Title I Comparability.

In the consent agenda, the board accepted a $15,000 donation from an individual to purchase a new sound system for the First Flight High School Media Center.

As noted in the personnel section of the consent agenda, retirement resignations included Marilyn Byrne, bus driver, Jan. 1; Sharen Etheridge, school finance officer, First Flight Middle School, Jan.1; Marsha Sawyer, teacher assistant, Manteo Elementary School, July 1; Frank Vrablic, math teacher, Manteo High School, Feb. 1.

Two resignations noted are Prentiss Spencer, bus driver, Nov. 16; and Carl Woody, director of technology, Dec. 31.