Gig Line: Some people never cease to amaze
Published 12:39 pm Wednesday, July 24, 2024
- Marsha Brown
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Before I get down to the nitty gritty of this column, I want to first acknowledge a very resolute local veteran and friend Mr. Rick Probst. I came to know Rick through my position as secretary of the Dare County Veterans Advisory Council over a span of 11 years from 2012-23. He served first as a council member, later becoming a devoted chairman committed to the good of the council, but most importantly to the good of our veterans.
It was a privilege and an honor to serve with him and to be guided by his leadership as his genuine interest and care was not only of our veterans but of their families as well. Rick was dedicated 24/7 to his “brother and sister” comrades and whether it was his involvement to support the American Legion Post 26 or the Outer Banks V.F.W. Post 10950, you could always count on Rick. He was dedicated to every course of action taken to generate acknowledgement, appreciation, information and assistance to our veteran community in Dare County. He would help set up and break down our council booths at Dare Day, the Seafood Festival, and virtually every event the council participated in; he helped promote the sale of raffle tickets for the V.F.W. in their fundraising events to generate monies to help our veterans; as council chairman, Rick applied for and oversaw the grant applications to generate proceeds to in turn be transferred to the Interfaith Community Outreach, specifically for the veteran line item and betterment of our local vets always. You have probably seen Rick standing outside our Walmart in Kitty Hawk greeting folks and passing out the little handmade (by veterans) red poppies in recognition of our veterans’ remembrance and sacrifice. Rick has participated in countless celebrations of life as a part of the Color Guard to honor our veterans who had passed and in other events as well and the hours he (with other committee members) spent assisting Patty O’Sullivan who organized and oversaw The Wall That Heals cannot be measured.
As a dedicated member of our local V.F.W., Rick has attended every event he could possibly get to that were scheduled out of town to represent our Post 10950; helped again and again to re-construct the council’s Town of Manteo Christmas Parade float; helped organize the gathering of veterans to ride or walk in the Kelly’s annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Nags Head … regardless, if it was an event that would draw our veterans into the fold, he was there consistently, willing and eager to make sure things went as they should.
Rick, originally from Louisville, Kentucky, is a devoted husband and someone everybody likes to be around. This nice gentleman is known for his love of fishing and is a fishing educator at Jennette’s Pier in Nags Head. But besides all that, his love for fellow veterans is paramount through his service having served two years as commander of V.F.W. Post 10950 and has recently achieved All-American status as a post commander; prior to that he served as the VFWNC District One commander. In a recent post on Facebook, Rick was hailed for his dedication, and exceptional leadership qualities by Annie Cummings, Commander Dept of North Carolina Veterans of Foreign Wars.
To sum it up, Rick is one of many in our midst who stand tall when it comes to staying true to the brotherhood of veterans. We are blessed with those who give everything they can to demonstrate that veterans are not forgotten, always cherished, respected and loved. In Dare County we have expanded our devotion to those who have generously served this incredible nation and we all owe members of our V.F.W. Post 10950, American Legion Post 26 and OBX Marine Corps League #1264 a heartfelt salute!
On a completely different note, it is not like there is not enough trouble in the world today, which scores of people deny, downplay, refuse to acknowledge but it is when people just cannot find anything good to say about anybody that simply boggles the mind.
Strangely enough and for some reason it seems criticisms come out in rare form over simple goodness in life – especially in people, people with good hearts, people who care about their family, their friends, neighbors and their fellow man, people who care about honesty, fairness and integrity, people who like and promote peace and kindness and healing.
The term “MAGA” … is it really so terrible? So bad? So absolutely horrible? And if so, why? The negative connotation is silly! Why do folks go so haywire at the very sight of a red ball cap with white letters that read, “MAGA”?
It all began when former President Trump captioned “Make America Great Again” a slogan encapsulating his desire to work toward the America we used to know, yet some folks seem to become unglued over it. Oddly, the abbreviated term seems to stir up angry emotions and intolerance. Actually, friends … it’s quite sad.
What is it that drives such negativity in people that they do not even seem to realize? Years ago, if we didn’t like another person’s opinion, that was that. We might gripe and grumble for a bit; if they were in our community, we would choose to avoid that person; if they were entertainers we’d avoid their television shows, movies or speaking engagements but today that is simply not enough – it’s almost like we aren’t entitled to our own opinion about things that matter to us personally just because someone else disagrees. I say to those who do not know the real spirit of the “MAGA” supporter, please get a grip!
As a writer I am always interested in other people’s thoughts, opinions and outlook on life. I learn by listening and if I said I agreed with everybody once they share their views, no matter how assertive they are in “selling” it, I would be a liar because I don’t. Depending on the topic matter, I am an adult, and I can weigh the “evidence” and sort things out … if I am attuned to daily news, I do my best to differentiate facts from fiction. What totally turns me off is when anything is based on hate or hearsay and I do not follow along with others just to be included in something. I can think for myself!
Every single person I personally know who supports the theme behind “MAGA” is a good soul; faithful to almighty God and country; they believe in prayer being a catapult to better things, peace and happiness; they are kind hearted; lovers of our red, white and blue and our Constitution; they honor the sacrifice of our veterans who have died serving our country and who survived to come home missing limbs, wearing prosthetics, having lost their eyesight and who deal with the pain and scarring from horrendous burns or disfigurement … the “MAGA” people I know have compassion and even forgiveness for those who find or create unjustified fault, criticize and try their best to downplay the value of faith, patriotism and love of country and each other.
As they say, “We’re all in this together!” and hopefully the nay sayers will look for the good in others … even “MAGA” supporters then, surprisingly enough, actually find it!
Until next time, be healthy, safe and happy! Pray for all who protect us … our military, our law enforcement, our firefighters, our paramedics and all first responders. Pray, too, for our clergy/missionaries all around the world and for our politicians, for their safety and good health. If you are a veteran and need to talk to somebody, if you have questions about VA health care or filing a VA claim, please contact Patty O’Sullivan, veteran service officer for Dare County. She can be reached at office: (252) 475-5604; cell: (252) 473-7749 or email: patricia.o’ Devoted to the good of our veterans and a first-class act, Patty will do everything she can to help you. Contact her and you will see what I mean. If you would like to reach out to me: cell: (252) 202-2058 or by email: Thank you all for everything good thing you do for anybody (especially our veterans). God bless you and as always, I love you all! Stay tuned!