Dare first graders receive Go Bags, learn important safety lessons
Published 2:59 pm Wednesday, October 30, 2024
- DCDHHS preparedness coordinator Greta Sharp packs Go Bags for Dare County students. Courtesy Dare County
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Since 2021, the Dare County Department of Health & Human Services (DCDHHS) Smart KIDS R Safe KIDS program has been sharing important lessons with Dare County’s elementary-aged students about how to be prepared for hurricanes and other disasters as well as how to be safe in and around the water.
The program got off the ground during the 2021-22 school year thanks to a NC Public Health Preparedness and Response Bright Ideas Grant and has continued with the help of a generous grant from Wesley’s Way Foundation as well as North Banks Rotary Club. As part of the program, Dare County first graders learn about ocean safety, flood safety and how to pack a Go Bag by watching an entertaining professionally-made video developed by Dare County employees.
Students also receive their very own Go Bag from DCDHHS, complete with a Go Bag checklist, activity book and crayons, whistle, flashlight and water bottle. The bags also include a contact card for students and adults to fill out.
“The Smart Kids Program is a fun way for students to learn about and prepare for floods without being scared,” said Dare County Department of Health & Human Services preparedness coordinator Greta Sharp. “We hope this program reminds adults to prepare as well.”
There were 316 Go Bags distributed to Dare County first graders in September; the program in its fourth year.
The program is well received by students, who regularly send thank you cards for the lessons and the Go Bags. “Thank you for teaching me never to take your eyes off the water,” one recent card read. Another thanked program leaders for the Go Bags. “I loved the whistle,” the student wrote.
For more information on the program, go to darenc.gov/SafeKids. To learn more about being a Smart KIDS R Safe KIDS sponsor, email Sharp at Greta.Sharp@darenc.gov.
Information on how to build a basic disaster supplies kit can be found at ready.gov/kit.