Dare County Board of Commissioners – At Large Seat
Published 5:37 am Wednesday, October 31, 2018
- Anne Petera, Ervin Bateman
Dare County Board of Commissioners – At Large Seat. The contest is between Anne P. Petera, Republican, and Ervin Bateman, Democrat.
Ervin Bateman
Owner/Operator of Sugar Creek Restaurant and Sugar Shack Seafood Market and Poor Ridge Seafood
Age: 63
Mailing Address: Box 1127, Kitty Hawk, NC 27949
Contact Phone: (252) 202-1072
Website: ervinbateman.com
Facebook: Ervin Bateman for dare county commissioner
Email address: poorridge@charter.net
Anne P. Petera
Age: 68
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1545, Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948-1545
Contact Phone (252) 441-5970
Website: Petera4Dare.com
Facebook Anne Petera for Dare County Commissioner
Email Address: peterafordare@gmail.com
Position/philosophy statement: I am a common sense conservative who loves Dare County and wants to protect and preserve its unique character and appeal.
What is the most important issue the Dare County Commission will have to address in the next 2 years?
Bateman: Looking at the big picture, I would have to say protecting our billion dollar tourism industry. When you think about it, it feeds every job, every municipality, county government, education…all the working parts that make Dare County what it is and we need to do everything we possibly can to preserve our tourism industry. Having said that, the threat of off-shore drilling could jeopardize it all with only one oil spill. Therefore, we as a community need to stand up and say NO to off-shore drilling and seismic testing.
Petera: Offshore drilling and seismic testing. While I support the concept of American energy independence, there are much safer alternatives to achieving that goal. I am gratified that the current Board has made such a strong effort against drilling or testing off the NC coast, including meeting with our NC Congressional delegation in Washington and our leaders in Raleigh. I would work hard to continue that effort.
Are there policies you believe can be enacted that would improve the economy of Dare County in the next 2 years?
Bateman: We need to do everything we possibly can to protect our sport and commercial fishing, maintain open inlets and address our transportation needs, bridges, etc. We need to take a hard look at the flooding areas within our municipalities and incorporated Dare. We need to do studies to find out where the hot spots are and address them.
Petera: Our economy in Dare County consists of three main segments: tourism, fishing and boat building. I support any and all policies that foster a positive environment in which these activities will flourish. Beach nourishment, promotion of the Outer Banks as an ideal destination for summer vacations, and strong support for both commercial and recreational fishing are key to maintaining the economy of Dare County.
What kinds of policies will you pursue to promote affordable housing in our county?
Bateman: I am in favor of the creation of zones within municipalities and unincorporated Dare to allow as we have in Kitty Hawk, mother-in-law suits which would allow putting in a 600 sq. ft. dwelling behind an existing dwelling under the same set backs as presently zoned. This is a back door way of allowing the creation of less costly homes and would supply housing and economic development for home owners. I would also support zones that allow student housing for our students and summer time help.
Petera: The available land mass Dare County is about 90% built out, exacerbating the problem of building more affordable housing. I would support reducing the minimum lot size for parcels that have access to public water and sewer and do not need to accommodate wells and septic systems nor be concerned with the proximity of those systems. I also support recent actions taken by Duck and Kitty Hawk to once again allow accessory dwelling units, or ADUs.
How would you rate Dare County’s public education system?
Bateman: Excellent
Petera: Above average
If you rated it below excellent, what proposals would you support to improve it?
Bateman: My major concern is what we pay entry teachers. State pay scale is $35,000 per year. How can we expect to continuously get the best teachers at $35,000 per year when the average cost to rent a house is $1,600 per month plus utilities which would cause them to pay at least $2,000 for home expenses. This leaves less than $11,000 for auto, gas, groceries and other expenses to maintain their family. We as a County need to lobby our State Representatives to make sure we take care of our educators
Petera: The Dare County School system was ranked 23rd out of 116 public school systems in NC by Niche. While there may be other studies that rank our schools differently, I think this one is a good indicator. I have been impressed with the new School Superintendent as well as Dare’s excellent efforts to increase dual enrollment in college courses in our high schools. I will thoroughly review any proposals for improvements from the School Board and support those that I find to be the most valuable.
How would you rate the access to healthcare services in Dare County?
Bateman: Excellent
Petera: Average
How would you rate the quality of healthcare services in Dare County?
Bateman: Average
Petera: Above average
If you rated them less than excellent, what can the commission do to improve healthcare services?
Bateman: We have come a long way since Dr. Harvey/Manteo, Dr. Wright/Currituck who served 70 miles of our County. We now have a hospital, cancer center, access to three fine hospitals, Norfolk Sentara, Chesapeake General & Pitt Memorial by way of Dare Medflight. We also have excellent EMS, first responders and Urgent Care facilities in Nags Head & Kitty Hawk. We need to expand our mental health services for those with dual diagnosis, substance abuse issues and beds for detox and long term centers
Petera: There is adequate access to good quality healthcare services and that has improved greatly over the past two decades; with the hospital providing a driving force, attracting several specialty service providers in recent years. We do continue to see some facilities decide to close and leave the area, which generally means either the competitive forces are at work or that there is simply not enough demand to support the number of service providers operating here.
What is your stance on the permitting of off-shore drilling and seismic testing along the N.C. coast?
Bateman: I am adamantly against off-shore drilling and seismic testing but am for energy independence.
Petera: I am opposed to permitting off-shore drilling and seismic testing along the NC Coast. The risk of any kind of leak, spill or accident is simply too high. Even a small oil spill could negatively impact tourism for an entire season or longer, spelling financial disaster for our citizens and the entire economy.