Community invited to participate in La Posada
Published 11:33 am Thursday, December 6, 2018
The Tyrrell County Hispanic/Latino Advisory Council is inviting the community to participate in the 16th Annual La Posada. This event will take place on Thursday, December 6 as a part of River Town Christmas. Participants should meet at the waterfront gazebo on Main Street in Columbia by 6 p.m.
La Posada honors Mary and Joseph’s quest for shelter in Bethlehem. Participants are invited to dress as shepherds, angels and other Biblical figures. Those dressed will help lead La Posada. The walking procession includes several stops through town and will end with a celebration at the Columbia High School cafeteria. Traditional Mexican food and festivities will cap off this family and community event. No one will be allowed into the cafeteria until after the walking procession has arrived and entered. La Posada will cost $1 per person to enter the CHS Cafeteria for the fiesta.
For more information, contact Dee Furlough at 796-1581. The 2018 La Posada is sponsored by the Tyrrell County Hispanic/Latino Advisory Council, the Greater Tyrrell County Chamber of Commerce, Tyrrell County Extension and Community Association, Scuppernong Farm, Tyrrellinian Club, Columbia Lions Club, Columbia Pharmacy and with much assistance from the Tyrrell County Schools, its staff and students.