Outer Banks Tennis Association supports Dare Hospice
Published 5:40 pm Thursday, December 27, 2018
- Outer Banks Tennis Association presents Dare Hospice with a donation from the proceeds of the 16th Annual Townebank/Southern Insurance Agency Charity Classic Tennis Tournament. From left are Sheila Davies, Dare County Health and Human Services director, Jodie Futch, Hospice volunteer coordinator, and Laura Willingham, OBTA president.
The Outer Banks Tennis Association presented Dare Hospice with a check for $6300 from proceeds of the 16th Annual TowneBank/Southern Insurance Agency Charity Classic Tennis Tournament. The tennis tournament is the signature fundraiser for Dare Hospice, a service of the Dare County Department of Health and Human Services. Thanks to generous community support, the tournament has raised over $240,000 for Dare County Hospice Services over the past 15 years. Proceeds raised are used to support the hospice volunteer program, hospice care and support for under or uninsured individuals and families facing terminal illnesses. “Dare Hospice really appreciates the support of the Outer Banks Tennis Association, their donation of proceeds from the tennis tournament supports our work in the community and allows for us to care for people and their families during difficult times” Jodie Futch, Dare Hospice volunteer coordinator.
Proceeds also benefit the Outer Banks Tennis Association (OBTA), a non-profit dedicated to making a positive impact in the community through tennis and education. The OBTA integrates math, science, nutrition, and life skills into their youth tennis program. The non-profit hosts adult and youth leagues, programs, play days and clinics. The OBTA also sponsors children that may not be able afford to participate and provides racquets, balls and instruction when possible. This tournament would not be possible without the support of our donors, sponsors, local players, tennis professionals and our community. For more information, visit www.outerbanks.usta.com.