Awards presented to Manteo High School art students
Published 8:35 am Saturday, April 20, 2019
Presentation of awards from the North Carolina Federation of Woman’s Clubs 2019 Art Festival was conducted at Manteo High School on April 11 by artist Catherine Hamill of the Roanoke Island Woman’s Club.
First place winners at Manteo High School in each of 12 categories were announced. Pictured with Hamill are, from left, Hart Moesely, Owen Clark, Eden Buchert, Alyse Stewert, Ciarra Jackson and Rylee Payne. Not pictured are Sydney Childress, Hannah O’Neal, Taylor Cahoon, Madison Cahoon and Kamaaron Adams.
At the district level, Childress won first place as well as Best in Show for her acrylic painting. O’Neal, Clark, Jackson, Payne, Moesely and Adams also won district first place awards in their categories. At the state level, Moesely won first place for his “Double Exposure” color photography and Adams won first place for his “Social Media vs. Reality” digitally enhanced photography.

Hart Moesely’s “Double Exposure” was the first place winner in the color photography division.

Kamaaron Adams won first in digitally enhanced photography for “Social Media vs. Reality.”