Call issued for artists for Day at the Docks
Published 8:45 am Sunday, April 21, 2019
- Natalie Kavanagh waves from charter vessel Bite Me, captained by Jay Kavanagh, at last year's Day at the Docks celebration. Mary Helen Goodloe-Murphy photo
Planning is underway for 2019 Day at the Docks in Hatteras village.
The event, which celebrated the heritage of Hatteras village, is set for Sept. 13 and 14.
Planners are looking for artists and artisans interested in joining the event’s Artist Village.
The link for applications is available at the Day at the Docks Facebook page.
The event is outdoors. A tent is provided. Artists are responsible for table and display and $25 space fee.
Space may be limited to artists whose work reflects the event purpose, to celebrate the working waterfront and village heritage.