Reflections by the Sea: Summer
Published 6:48 am Friday, June 28, 2019
- Betsy Ore Glass photo
By Betsy Ore Glass
“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” Genesis 8:22
The days are long, the sun is hot and the ocean is refreshing! What is not to like about this glorious season we are in right now? The once quiet beach is now lined up with colorful umbrellas, beach towels and sand chairs. Rafts and floats in bright colors are the prize if you are lucky to have one. Pails and shovels are the tools used to build fantastic sandcastles. I especially enjoy the laughter of the families at play. And seeing multi generations crowded under a group of umbrellas having reunions or get togethers is joy to me too. It is a season of being “on the go.” Exciting time of year to be on vacation or to plan fun outdoors. There is so much of God’s beauty to take in.
I was talking with a group of friends recently and we lamented there isn’t enough free time in our lives to be able to rest for more than a second and just absorb our devotionals or time with God. As we attempt to spend our time and listen for His Voice to guide us, the phone rings, grandkids are on their way over, schools is out and kids are in and out the door, the dogs need a walk. It isn’t major things, just lots of little things. Some of my friends are retired and even suggested they are busier now than when they were working! It surprised them because they have waited a lifetime for extra time.
Just as the quiet beach in winter is transformed into a parade of colors, people, activity and more, in the summer, our own lives mirror these seasons. I think it is about pacing and priorities. We can learn to say no to things. We can get up an hour earlier, but whatever method we choose, that quiet time, regardless of the season, is vital to our relationship with God. In my Bible study this week I was reminded that He loves us and He is always there. If we lack hearing from Him, it is usually us that has stepped away from earshot. Whatever season we are in, it is always the right time to be with, serve and listen to God.