Reflections by the Sea: Looking up
Published 9:33 pm Saturday, July 27, 2019
- Betsy Ore Glass photo
By Betsy Ore Glass
Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. – Psalm 105:4
The sun, the moon and the stars! There is so much to take in and see. So much we don’t understand but we can depend on these mighty planets to be there day after day, night after night. The galaxies, the constellations are all amazing. I can recall when we had a beach cottage on the Outer Banks of NC, at night we would take the lounge cushions and lay them flat on the deck and camp out so we could see a shooting star. It never failed!! I was always looking the other way and never saw one. A great time was had when I learned to find the big and little dipper. I don’t know if children look up from their devices anymore to see the beauty of the skies. I sure hope so.
When problems or circumstances come our way, oh how easy it is to wallow in it, talk about it to death, try to figure it out on our own. The list is endless. But what we should be doing is not looking at the annoying spouse, the unruly children, the in-laws that find fault or the boss that gives us a hard time. We should be looking up to God. He can fix anything by using others to come to our aid, or giving us more knowledge or wisdom to overcome our situation. He can change our heart and our circumstances.
No matter what is happening, we must remind ourselves to not look at our issues, but instead look to our God. He knows our problems, He knows our needs. This week there were some things that were annoying me. I stopped thinking about it and prayed about it instead. Not only did I feel better but I placed my trust in God to change my heart and thoughts. Keep looking up!!