Highlight Reels: Piers up and running despite Dorian damage
Published 7:45 am Thursday, September 12, 2019
- Red Flags were flying on Kill Devil Hills beaches Sunday afternoon due to rough sea conditions and floating debris from Hurricane Dorian. Avalon Pier lost a portion of their end, but plan on rebuilding. A bigtime puppy drum bite was on Sunday. Courtesy Austin Law
Two of the five northern Outer Banks ocean fishing piers were severely damaged by Hurricane Dorian’s wind and waves last Friday, but all are back open for business.
At Kitty Hawk Pier, Hilton Garden Inn front desk concierge Chris reported that the pier and pier house were fine and both were operational.
Five miles south at Avalon Pier, anglers wore out the puppy drum on Sunday according to Kenny, who was leaving in the early afternoon after catching 20 or so “shorts.”

Avalon Pier. Courtesy Ben Sproul
Unfortunately, the end of the pier was washed away, but some hardy souls were out scouring the beach for pier girders or pilings and dragging them back to the parking lot.
Manager Tim said maybe this would be the right time to build their new restaurant and he showed off an artist’s renderings on his smart phone. They revealed a beautiful restaurant with a top deck overlooking the sea.
Otherwise, a bit of the pier’s roofing shingles blew away and there was sand covering the rooftop, but the fishing continued.
“They were all just under eighteen [inches],” Kenny said while walking out. He was set to rent a car Monday because his wife’s vehicle was hit by a tree in the storm. A happy family came by and it turns out Kenny had helped them catch a few drum, too.
At Nags Head Pier Tuesday morning, Robert was pleased to announce that the pier had just reopened to fishing despite storm damage there.

Nags Head Fishing Pier. Courtesy Ben Sproul
“We lost the whole end and a couple of sections,” he said. “A new rail was built up where pier broke off,” which was same fix Avalon Pier employed.
Since the storm, Nags Head Pier anglers had luck catching puppy drum, “nice” trout and a few pompano, Robert reported and added that the Pier House Restaurant plans to reopen Thursday.
At Jennette’s Pier near Whalebone Junction, all three wind turbines lost their blades in the blow, but the concrete structure was otherwise undamaged.

Rick Probst of Kill Devil Hills caught a nice mess of fish including sheepshead, pictured, pompano and croaker on Sunday afternoon at Jennette’s Pier in Nags Head. His wife cooked them up for brunch Monday. Courtesy Mike Preziotti
Pier director Mike said “we were lucky” and added that his thoughts went out to those who did suffer significant damages “including our friends at Avalon and Nags Head piers.”
Tuesday morning at Jennette’s, a good number of folks were fishing and catching bluefish, pompano, spot, Spanish mackerel, puffer, puppy drum, sea mullet and croaker.
On Sunday afternoon when it was pretty, Rick of Kill Devil Hills caught a nice mess of fish including sheepshead, pompano and croaker he later shared with his wife for brunch Monday.
At Outer Banks Pier in South Nags Head, Warren said everything was good.
“Fine. No damage, no anything,” he said. “We were fine.”
As for fishing, he said they were getting a few puppy drum, sea mullet and spot.
“There’s been a few . . .” Warren said.

Shaylor Twiddy of Manns Harbor holds a nice speckled trout he caught on shrimp while boat fishing near Wanchese recently. Nice smile, nice fish! Courtesy Local As It Gets
Editor’s Note: We are always looking for great fishing stories, so send yours with any photos to obxfishnews@gmail.com.
Unrestricted access to Frisco and Hatteras Village begins noon Thursday