Kitty Hawk Town Council sets public hearing on roof pitch ordinance

Published 5:14 am Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Kitty Hawk Town Council met for their monthly regular meeting on Monday, October 7 at Kitty Hawk Town Hall. All members of council were present.

To start off the meeting, Carl Classen of Kitty Hawk Estates came forward to thank the members of council for their service in improved drainage and debris cleanup within the town. “The town manager, public works director and everyone else did a great job,” Classen said. He mentioned that the drainage systems were faster and more efficient in Kitty Hawk during Hurricane Dorian.

The council discussed a potential public hearing to be held during their next regular meeting. A portion of the recent ordinance set forth to regulate a minimum roof pitch has been declared unenforceable by state legislation.

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Mayor Gary Perry posed a question to the director of planning and inspection, Rob Testerman: “Since we could go back to having flat-top roofs in residential areas, what would that do to the number of floors that might be allowed?” Testerman’s reply was that allowing this flat-top roof could potentially increase the number of floors within the dwelling. However, more research is needed. Perry asked Testerman to look into the matter and bring forth his findings during the next meeting in November.

Perry made a motion to set a public hearing during the council’s next regular meeting on November 4 at 5 p.m. to consider the proposed text amendments to amend the subsections of the ordinance regarding the dimensions of a minimum roof pitch. Mayor Pro Tem Craig Garriss seconded the motion and all were in favor.

An amendment to the town ordinance regarding beach equipment and prohibited excessive and unsafe digging or piling of sand on the ocean beach was tabled by Perry. “I would like to table this until the next meeting. The reason is that the public has not had the chance to see what we are about to pass, and I don’t like to do that on the first reading,” Perry said. There were no objections to Perry’s proposed motion.

Town manager Andy Stewart presented Willie Midgett, Public Works director. Midgett updated everyone on the storm debris pick-up around Kitty Hawk. “As of yesterday, we have collected almost 6000 cubic yards of debris in Kitty Hawk,” he said. Midgett also reported his staff has cut approximately 500 hanging tree limbs around the town.