Gig Line: A special invitation
Published 10:35 am Sunday, August 16, 2020
- Marsha Brown
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First things first – all of us know there are organizations across our country that support our veterans and their families and thank the good Lord for that! And for all the good work they do to show brotherly and sisterly love, when a fellow veteran could use some help, comfort in times of loss and when fellowship with others who have served in similar circumstances is so important.
As the blessed wife of a Vietnam veteran who was committed to the goals of our local Outer Banks V.F.W. Post 10950, I can attest to the outstanding fellowship shared by the members. The comradery between the men and women with similar backgrounds, experiences and goals are honorable, caring and dedicated and during the times I have attended their fundraising events and meetings, I have sat in awe of their interest, plans of action and follow-through when they accept a project to “be there” for a brother or sister.
Without question, our Post is one in which to be especially proud. Having met and come to personally know many of the members, I respect and love them all from the bottom of my heart. They exceed expectations time and time again and I am so proud of each one of them. They take great interest in accommodating veterans in need to the best of their ability without a doubt but besides that, they care about veterans inside and out; they care about their husbands and wives and children; they care about our youth and they strive to instill, inspire and encourage a healthy respect among our young people to love our country, our flag and the men and women who support and defend our nation.
Mr. Fred Lamm, our V.F.W. Post 10950 Service Officer, provided me with a summary of the coming events as noted below verbatim. Please take the time to read it, pass the information along to others and encourage your children or grandchildren to participate if possible:
“VFW Post 10950 and Auxiliary Programs for Local Students:
Annual essay contests are being offered by the Outer Banks Veterans of Foreign Wars to benefit students in Currituck and Dare middle and high schools. The Patriot’s Pen essay contest is open to all middle school students in grades six through eight, with this year’s theme “What is Patriotism to Me.” Students attending Moyock Middle School, Currituck Middle School, First Flight Middle School, Manteo Middle School, Hatteras Secondary School and home school students in this region are eligible for Post awards of $150 and $75. Winning essays are forwarded to District, Department (State) and National competitions, with a first place award of $5,000.
High school students attending Cape Hatteras Secondary School, First Flight High School, Manteo High School and Currituck County High School and home school students in this region are eligible for Post awards of $500 and $100 at each named school. The $2400 in prizes are awarded from the Billy Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund commemorating the memory of this outstanding veteran of the armed forces. Application for the award is by participation in the VFW Voice Of Democracy audio essay competition. This year’s theme: “Is This the Country the Founders Envisioned?” The Billy Brown Memorial Scholarship Award winning audio essays are forwarded to District, Department (State) and National competitions, with a first-place award of $30,000 and total awards of $250,000.
Contest rules and applications are available at the OBXVFW.ORG website at tabs SUPPORTERS/PROGRAMS. Requests for additional details may be submitted to OBXVFW@GMAIL.COM or call/text 252-305-6681.
Submissions for both contests should be sent to OBXVFW@GMAIL.COM by the deadline, which is October 31, 2020.”
Obviously, this is a special opportunity for all students to take part in this chance to honor their parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters and friends who have served this great United States of America. Please folks, talk to the students who are eligible to submit to this challenge. It could result in a beautiful outcome and all submissions, whether they win or not, will be appreciated as a show of respect to our heroes – the mighty men and women of our military.
Also, if you are veteran who might be interested in joining our local V.F.W. Post 10950 or if you are a new resident of Dare County and currently a member elsewhere and you would like to move your membership here locally, please contact Quarter Master Jim Norrell at 252-489-9421.
Their meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. and due to COVID-19, they meet temporarily at the American Legion Fort Raleigh Post 26 located at 302 W. Lake Dr, Kill Devil Hills, N.C. 27948. Please note for future reference: V.F.W. meetings are usually held at the Colington Fire Department, 108 Old School House Rd., Kill Devil Hills – however, as an interim, the American Legion is graciously hosting the meeting site.
The V.F.W. organization in Dare County has grown in leaps and bounds and together they have accomplished substantial goals for the good of our veteran community and their families. In addition, they have assisted greatly in the establishment of the V.F.W. Post 10950 Auxiliary, where men and women and young people 16 years and older can join and help support our very deserving veterans and their support of the V.F.W.
As a widow of the biggest hero in life, Billy, I can personally attest to this incredible group of men and women and how they stand by their members, widows and widowers. They all mean so much to us who have been comforted by them, prayed for by them and helped in different ways in response to heartbreak. I encourage every single veteran who is eligible to join our V.F.W. by calling Jim Norrell as referenced above or by calling their primary contact # 252-305-6681 where you can leave a message; rest assured you will receive a call back as soon as possible. Our local American Legion Post 25 as well as our OBX Marine Corps League #1264 are also first class, top notch organizations dedicated to fellow veterans to consider joining as well. Each is comprised of such great people with achievements that reach far and beyond . . . so, just think about being a part of their good work. All of these group need you and your expertise to the benefit of your fellow veterans and their families. Just please think about it.
Until next time, just know that I love you, whether I know you or not. Stay healthy, safe and happy. Be good to others, love yourself and those around you and be thankful you live in the greatest country on earth. If you would like to talk to me, please call 252-202-2058 or write to me at because I would love to hear from you. God bless you all . . . and please wear your masks, my friends! My next Gig Line will offer a special message to those who have lost their heroes too! Stay tuned!