State and local COVID-19 update
Published 10:40 pm Wednesday, February 10, 2021
- This illustration, created at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reveals ultrastructural morphology exhibited by coronaviruses. Note the spikes that adorn the outer surface of the virus, which impart the look of a corona surrounding the virion, when viewed electron microscopically. In this view, the protein particles E, S, and M, also located on the outer surface of the particle, have all been labeled as well. A novel coronavirus, named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China in 2019. The illness caused by this virus has been named coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
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The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services reported on February 9 that more than 10,000 North Carolinians have died from the coronavirus. The state also surpassed 800,000 total cases on the same day.
On Feb. 9, North Carolina reported 2,786 new cases of COVID-19. Some 2,374 people with coronavirus were hospitalized. The actual total number of deaths is 10,046.
Across the state, 1.4 million first doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered, representing 100% of first doses received from the federal government. Second doses administered stand at 50%.
Dare County – As of Tuesday, Dare County’s death count is 12. On Feb. 3, the county reported three resident deaths and on Feb. 5, another death, raising the total to 11. Another person died Feb. 8, bringing the total number of COVID-related deaths reported in the county to 12.
On Feb. 9, the total number of cumulative COVID-19 cases in Dare County is 2,661.
Active positive resident cases number 106, according to the county’s dashboard, with 101 in home isolation and five hospitalized.
In Dare County, those who are qualified to receive the vaccine can register online at or call 252-475-5008. Those who register will be called to schedule an appointment.
As of Feb. 8, 7,581 first doses of coronavirus vaccine have been administered in Dare County. Second doses numbering 1,020 have been administered, according to the state’s dashboard.
“The vaccine allotment issues are only related to first doses. We have not been informed that there are any issues with second dose allotments,” states the Tuesday, Feb. 9 bulletin from the Dare County Department of Health and Human Services.
The Dare County Detention Center is listed as having a coronavirus outbreak on the state’s website with two staff cases.
Peak Resources in Nags Head is reporting five cases on its corporate website. Spring Arbor in Kill Devil Hills shows one staff member and six residents have the coronavirus, according to the state’s dashboard.
Hyde County – In Hyde County, telephone numbers to use for registering for a vaccination and to make an appointment on the mainland is the county health department at 252-926-4467. On Ocracoke, call 252-489-3622.
On Feb. 6, Hyde County has 620 total cumulative cases with 22 active positive cases. Deaths number eight persons.
In the Hyde County Correctional facility, one person has an active case of COVID-19.
Some 903 first doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered and 186 second doses, according to the state’s vaccine page.
Tyrrell County – On Feb. 8, Martin-Tyrrell-Washington Health District reported that Tyrrell County’s total cumulative case number is now 281. Six individuals have died in the county due to coronavirus.
Tyrrell House, a residential care facility, has three total cases, reports the health district.
Tyrrell Work Farm reports seven positive cases.
In Tyrrell County, 500 first doses of COVID-19 vaccine and 42 second doses have been administered as of Feb. 8, 2021.
To join the waiting list if you are a health care worker or aged 65, go to
Camden, Currituck, Pasquotank counties – During this week, Albemarle Regional Health Services is not holding first dose drive-through clinics. Second dose clinics were held for Currituck at Maple Park, for Pasquotank at Elizabeth City Regional Park and for Perquimans at the county’s recreation center in Hertford on Tuesday, Feb. 9.
The website address is for additional information about vaccination drive-through clinics for first and second doses.
The regional health service has posted the following case information as of Feb. 9:
Camden: 498 lab-confirmed cases, with 37 cases now active. Camden County has lost five people to the coronavirus. First dose vaccines administered number 1,621 and second doses 441, according to the state’s website.
Currituck: 1,191 total lab-confirmed cases. Some 85 cases are active. Currituck County has lost 13 people to coronavirus. Currituck County has administered 4,602 vaccine first doses and 1,009 second doses, on the state’s dashboard.
At Currituck Health and Rehabilitation Center, a total of six cases are reported on the state’s website.
Currituck County is creating a pool of temporary, part-time employees to work at COVID vaccination clinics as needed.
Duties may include traffic control, handing out vaccination forms to participants, ensuring forms are completed, and providing data entry on a laptop computer. Applicants with previous healthcare experience may be trained and tasked with administering vaccination shots. Clinics will be held in Currituck County and may require outdoor work, so employees must dress appropriately for the weather.
Interested citizens may find an online application on the Currituck County website at For more information, contact Currituck County Emergency Management at 252-232-6012 or 252-232-6013.
Pasquotank: 2,849 total lab-confirmed cases. Active cases number 149. COVID-related deaths in the county number 73 people. In Pasquotank, 7,627 vaccine first doses and 2,188 second doses have been administered.
Citadel Elizabeth City reports 10 active cases, with two deaths on the state’s dashboard. Elizabeth City Health and Rehabilitation indicates a total of 43 staff and 123 residents with active cases and 25 resident deaths, according to the state’s dashboard. Waterbrooke had eight active cases and Heritage Care had two staffers with coronavirus.
Albemarle District Jail has a total of 12 detainees with coronavirus.