State and local COVID-19 update
Published 9:04 am Wednesday, June 2, 2021
- This illustration, created at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reveals ultrastructural morphology exhibited by coronaviruses. Note the spikes that adorn the outer surface of the virus, which impart the look of a corona surrounding the virion, when viewed electron microscopically. In this view, the protein particles E, S, and M, also located on the outer surface of the particle, have all been labeled as well. A novel coronavirus, named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China in 2019. The illness caused by this virus has been named coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
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On Thursday, May 27, North Carolina reported its one millionth positive test for COVID-19, some 450 days after reporting its first.
Since March 2020, deaths of North Carolinians from coronavirus number 13,078, according to the state’s Department of Health and Human Services.
The new case count on Friday, May 28 was 738. Some 694 people were hospitalized with the virus.
On North Carolina’s dashboard on May 28, 53 percent have received one dose of COVID-19 vaccine and almost 49 percent are fully vaccinated.
Dare County – Dare County is issuing COVID-19 information on Tuesdays. On May 25, the county had a cumulative total of 3,221 positive, lab-confirmed cases. Residents with positive cases numbered 10, all of whom were in home isolation. No one was hospitalized with the virus. The Dare County death count stands at 15.
Dare County remains ahead of the statewide totals in percentages vaccinated. In Dare, 59.4 percent have one shot and 55.3 are fully vaccinated. Vaccines are available at the county’s health department locations in Manteo, Nags Head and Frisco. To schedule an appointment, call 252-475-5008. Some area pharmacies such as Walgreens, Sunshine Family Pharmacy, Island Pharmacy, Beach Drugs and Beach Pharmacies in Hatteras and Avon also have vaccines available. Call the individual pharmacy to schedule an appointment.
Hyde County – On May 28, 2021, Hyde County had three active positive cases of coronavirus. Throughout the pandemic, 10 people have died of the disease in Hyde County.
The Hyde County Health Department is hosting COVID-19 vaccine clinics.
On Thursday, June 3, the clinic will be held at the Fairfield Fire Department, 6680 NC Hwy. 94 in Fairfield from 3 to 7 p.m.
On Wednesday, June 16, the vaccine clinic will be held at the Ponzer Fire Department, 40186 U.S. Hwy. 264 in Belhaven from 3 to 7 p.m.
Tyrrell County – On May 28, Tyrrell County reported one new case of coronavirus. The death count stands at six people. In the county, 35.9% of people have received one dose of vaccine and 32.1% are fully vaccinated, according to the state’s dashboard.
Call 252-793-3023 to schedule a vaccine appointment at offices in Columbia, Plymouth and Williamston.
Currituck, Camden and Pasquotank – These three northeastern counties are members of the Albemarle Regional Health Services organization. At each local health department, appointments are available for first and second doses of Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines for people who are 18 and older. Also, appointments are made at local health departments for the Pfizer vaccine available for those 12 years of age and up. Appointments must be made. Case statistics are dated as of May 28.
The Albemarle Regional Health Services reports that districtwide 50.74% of population 12 and over have received one dose and 48.1% of population 12 and over are fully vaccinated.
Camden County – Lab-confirmed active cases number six with a total number of cases 680 for the entire pandemic. COVID-19 deaths in Camden County are five persons.
As reported on the state’s dashboard, Camden County has a one-dose vaccination rate at 30.9% and full rate at 26.6%.
Currituck County – Lab-confirmed active cases number five with a total number of cases 1,574 for the entire pandemic. COVID-19 deaths in Currituck County are 16 persons.
As reported on the state’s dashboard, Currituck County has a one-dose vaccination rate at 34.1% and full rate at 29.7%
Pasquotank County – In Pasquotank, lab-confirmed active cases number nine with a total number of cases 3,413 for the entire pandemic. COVID-19 deaths in Pasquotank County are 84 persons, which is one more than the previous weekly update from the health district.
The state’s dashboard reports that 38.9% of people are vaccinated with one dose in Pasquotank County and 33.2% are fully vaccinated.