Weekly Devotion – John 11:23
Published 3:27 pm Thursday, July 8, 2021
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By Mike Caton
John 11:23, Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.”
What would you want Jesus to say to you? Maybe it depends on the situation you find yourself in. Maybe there is way more month than there is money. Maybe the doctor just delivered bad news. Maybe there has been a death, as in the case of Martha here. Maybe you and your spouse are not getting along. Maybe there is trouble with an elderly relative. Maybe your child is going through a rough patch. The possibilities for trouble in this life are endless. And we can certainly imagine the words we want to hear from Jesus in those situations.
Jesus tells Martha what she needs to hear, not necessarily what she wants to hear. Think about that for a moment. Without a doubt, she wants to hear something positive about her brother. And I suppose it would be nice if we could somehow undo death. For Christians, that is not a possibility, but a promise! God has promised an eternity with him to those who love and serve him. It is a free gift, God has made all the arrangements. But we need to accept that gift. Martha needs to be reminded of that promise from God.
And we need to be reminded as well from time to time. God has provided something for the faithful that we can never ask or imagine! So, what would you want Jesus to say to you? I know we might be dealing with some monumental task at the moment. And there is no doubt a need for some word of hope from God. But the best thing Jesus can ever say to us, the one thing we need to focus the most on: Well done my good and faithful servant. Those are the words we need to be welcomed into eternity.
Father, help me live my life to be prepared for the future. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Mike Caton is the preacher at Mount Olive Church of Christ in Belhaven. He volunteers at the Ponzer Fire Department and works part time with Hyde County EMS. If you would like to receive daily devotions in your inbox, email mikecaton@centurylink.net.