Letter to the Editor: Southern Shores – Here’s the finished product
Published 8:10 am Sunday, January 9, 2022
- Courtesy Russ Watkins
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To the Editor:
Looks like the final touches have been placed on the new “small wireless facilities” in SS. Perhaps with a few small variations, they could expand the top part some, add an applicable painting pattern and give it a nice nautical channel marker look.
Those of you fellow SS dwellers who live on the streets mentioned in an earlier CTimes edition (8th Ave, 5th Ave, Ocean Blvd, Skyline, and E. Dogwood Trail) can take a route that will get you on Hickory and proceed to the intersection of Hickory and Wax Myrtle Trail. Unless you have very limited sight, you’ll get a chance to see what one could look like on your street.
For those fellow SSers across route 12 on the oceanside, you already have many utility poles, and may wonder why the whining? But, perhaps there should be a review if some or all of the utility poles and wires above ground could be placed (over time) underground?
We have a question into the cellular owner of this new tower, and will provide further updates as to what data their company uses to pinpoint the location for them. Another less pressing but interesting point comes from this week’s episode of “Vice” on cable. Will let the newspaper know if the company responds with any information.
Russ Watkins
Southern Shores

Courtesy Russ Watkins