Weekly Devotion – John 17:24
Published 2:43 pm Thursday, June 23, 2022
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By Mike Caton
John 17:24, “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.”
Have you ever thought about what Jesus wants? He is God, after all. What could he possibly want that he does not already have or that he cannot get? I tend to think that wants are very human things, we want what we don’t have. But Jesus here clearly tells the Father, through his prayer, and us by way of John, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit who guided him to write this book, what he wants.
Jesus wants us! He wants me and you; his followers, the ones the Father has given him; he wants us to be with him! Can you even begin to imagine that? He wants us to share in his glory, the glory the Father has given to him. And all that he did; leaving heaven and coming to earth, all that he taught and preached, the sacrifice he made, the death he died, his resurrection, all of that was for us. Jesus did that so that we could be with him. That is a mind-blowing thought to me! Jesus wants me to be with him! And I realize it is not just me he wants, he wants you too. And he also wants every other person who has even been in this world to know him and to love him and ultimately to be with him. Just think about that!
But we need to ask ourselves if we want to be with Jesus. Oh, I know the right answer is “Of course I want to be with Jesus.” But then we need to examine ourselves, our actions, our calendars, our checkbooks, and see if that is really true. Are we doing things now that are with Jesus? Are we going where he is, reading what he sent, gathering with his people, doing what he would be doing? Our greatest desire and longing should be for Jesus, as his is for us.
Father, help me be where you are. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Mike Caton is the preacher at Mount Olive Church of Christ in Belhaven. He volunteers at the Ponzer Fire Department and works full time with Hyde County EMS. If you would like to receive daily devotions in your inbox, email mikecaton@centurylink.net.