Reflections by the Sea: Helping
Published 2:09 pm Thursday, April 20, 2023
- Betsy Ore Glass photo
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By Betsy Ore Glass
This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. – John 15:12
This week, on a trip to the grocery store, my grandson helped me to unload the cart at the register. When we played baseball, he would volunteer to get the ball after he batted it. Learning to golf, at the driving range, he would like to tee up the ball for both of us. He is learning to put others first before himself.
Some stairs are harder to climb in life and we can help walk alongside someone if we know about it. In the last few days, I heard of many people that I knew needed comfort and help to rise above their circumstances. I filled my mailbox with cards to send out to them. I prayed that they would make a small difference. Recently we had the opportunity to be blessed by others with cards and calls. And it meant so much to know we weren’t forgotten. In a world of emails and texts, the cards and handwritten messages meant so much. Some say sending cards and letters is a lost art. I sure hope they are wrong.
In a world where it is so easy to become self-absorbed and look the other way, it is refreshing to see people helping people. But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? 1 John 3:17
How many times do we reach out to God and our faith tells us He is there for us? We depend on Him. Count on Him. We surrender to Him. Yet, what if He turned away from us? We couldn’t bear it. We don’t have to. Because we know that He knows all our needs and burdens and He provides in His own timing, in His own way. He is our example to follow. I want to be the person that has a keen eye and notices those in need and then does something about it. Let us open our hearts and our eyes and resources to a ministry to be God’s helpers. Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. Hebrews 13:16
Betsy Ore Glass has long-standing ties to the Outer Banks. From Virginia Beach, her family bought a vacation cottage in the 60s and her love of the area began. Later in the 90s, Betsy and her husband bought a weekend cottage and introduced the area to their children. Then Betsy’s parents retired to KDH where the family gathered often. Reach her at To learn more about her books, visit