Gig Line: Just some things to think about
Published 6:47 am Thursday, August 10, 2023
- Marsha Brown
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The Dare County Veterans Advisory Council members who have participated in several marketplace events around Dare County have much to be proud of and their efforts in doing so have proven to be very productive.
The primary purpose of them taking the time to set up our DCVAC booth is to acknowledge and thank our veterans; disburse information about the council itself and to give our veterans and family members a convenient opportunity to meet Patty O’Sullivan, Dare County veteran service officer (V.S.O.).
In the event they would like to meet Patty and make an appointment to discuss potential eligibility for veteran benefits; request assistance in acquiring a duplicate DD-214; possibly submitting a V.A. disability claim or to obtain a free Dare County Veteran Discount Card, it will be your chance! For veterans who are residents or property owners in Dare County, the card will enable discounts from 10% to 20% at approximately 140 businesses from Corolla to Hatteras Village. A veteran must bring with them (for review purposes only) their DD-214 showing honorable discharge and a driver’s license or adequate picture I.D. and proof of permanent residence or property ownership here. The process takes only minutes, so if you live other than in Dare County but visit your real property and would like to get your card, please make plans to bring the items with you to the market events.
The devoted group who mans the booths also provides information about The Wall That Heals – a three-quarter scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC that will come to Dare County this fall to the Soundside Event Site in Nags Head on Tuesday, Nov. 14, to be set up on Wednesday, Nov. 15; opening ceremony will take place the morning of Thursday, Nov. 16 and a special “In Memory” candlelight service on Friday, Nov. 17 in the evening. The Wall That Heals will be open to the public at no charge 24 hours each day until it departs the Outer Banks on Sunday, Nov. 19.
For family members of a Vietnam veteran who served in Vietnam and came home passing away later, no matter the cause of their passing, the “In Memory” program is a beautiful way to honor them. If you are interested in learning more about how you can, go to Once there, look at all the options pictured; if you need further help in signing up, please call Patty on her cell: 252-473-7749, office: 252-475-5604 or email: patricia.o’
Also, for anyone who would like to help erect the Wall on Wednesday or help dismantle it on Sunday, please review by clicking on the “raised hand” icon. If you would like further help, Patty is more than willing to meet with you at her office to make sure your loved one is included in the ceremony and help you process the paperwork to register. She has done an outstanding job with this massive project and so has our committee to see this touching and unforgettable event through.
It is our hope that this gathering of Vietnam veterans and their loved ones and friends will help to bring a much-deserved sense of healing to all who attend. We hope and pray for a humongous crowd and that we can show the love and support we feel for our Vietnam veterans from all branches of our armed forces. If you can physically help, we would be grateful; if you wish to volunteer your time for shifts from midnight to 4 a.m. or from 4-8 a.m., we would be so grateful! We truly need your help!
I have said it before: it will be as if the grounds are hallowed, sacred, once The Wall That Heals is erected and because it will be lighted, veterans can visit it any hour of the day or night 24/7. So, when I ask for volunteers who can be on site for four-hour shifts, it’s because it’s a precious tribute to our fallen men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country who are so deserving of our ultimate respect and honor.
Until next time, be healthy, safe and happy. Love like it’s your last chance, be kind and please pray for all our veterans, deployed and stateside servicemen and servicewomen. If you wish to contact me, I’d love to hear from you. My cell is 252-202-2058 and my email is If you would like to read previous Gig Line columns/stories, please go to Remember … the good Lord loves you and so do I! God bless you! Stay tuned!