Reflections by the Sea: Bait
Published 2:23 pm Thursday, August 17, 2023
- Betsy Ore Glass photo
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By Betsy Ore Glass
Remain in me, and I will remain in you. – John 15:4a NIV
I remember the first time my husband took me into a bait and tackle shop. It was years ago and he thought pier fishing could be something we could do together. I was game. It sounded fun. With each of us purchasing a brand new rod and reel and shiny lures of all kinds to place in our big new tackle box with pull out compartments, we were on our way. Early the next morning we went to the pier. Armed with a Thermos full of coffee, we paid at the counter and asked the Nice Man what the fish were biting on … in other words, what bait should we use? As my husband talked to the Nice Man, I walked towards the pier to find a good spot for us to set up. When my husband walked towards me I could see he had a bag he just purchased. He said it was the bait. Still with enthusiasm, I got ready for my first pier fishing experience. And then I saw them … a bag of BLOODWORMS. For me, the day was over before it began! Growing up, I was never a tomboy so the idea of playing with worms didn’t appeal to me then and certainly not that day on the pier! Within minutes, my role changed from fishing partner to fetcher. I fetched more coffee, got the newspaper when there was a lull in activity, I went back to the car for a wide brimmed hat for shade and more suntan lotion. Most of all though, I enjoyed seeing my husband happy and became his cheerleader when he reeled in his catch, one after the other. I realize by now you probably won’t be surprised if I tell you I had to turn my head when he took the fish off the hook!
One definition for the word “bait” is allurement or enticement. I can look back and see where I have been lured into things or doing something that wasn’t good for me in the end. The enemy can be quite convincing when he wants to take us down the wrong road. What I know is that sometimes wonderful things appear to be in our future. Is it “bait” from the enemy or is it God bringing us the desires of our heart and promoting us with his blessings? At times, it is hard to know. The best way to handle these decisions as they come before us is to put our hope in God, trust Him and walk forward. If God wants us to continue on, he opens every door and places a feeling on the inside of us of comfort and peace. But if it is not of God and we are being “baited,” we will know because there will be warning signs. Things won’t appear right. We won’t have peace. When we abide in God and He in us, then we can be confident that we have all that we need on the inside of us to make important decisions and choices. So how do we come to a place where we “abide”? It is daily prayer and reading His Word. Growing spiritually helps us to recognize the difference between when God is leading us or when we are being lured.
Betsy Ore Glass has long-standing ties to the Outer Banks. From Virginia Beach, her family bought a vacation cottage in the 60s and her love of the area began. Later in the 90s, Betsy and her husband bought a weekend cottage and introduced the area to their children. Then Betsy’s parents retired to KDH where the family gathered often. Reach her at or read additional Reflections at