In Manteo, Eilert sworn in, members appointed to committees
Published 2:25 pm Wednesday, February 28, 2024
- Manteo Police Chief Brad Eilert, center, was sworn in at last week’s meeting of the Manteo Board of Commissioners. Courtesy Town of Manteo
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At the start of the Feb. 21, 2024, the Town of Manteo Board of Commissioners and guests witnessed the swearing in of Brad Eilert as the town’s new police chief.
Eilert has more than 25 years of law enforcement experience with 16 of those in a supervisory role. He has demonstrated leadership skills and has helped build positive and effective relationships with stakeholders, staff and the entire Outer Banks community, states an announcement from the town.
On Oct. 31, 2023, Police Chief Vance Haskett retired, and Eilert was sworn in as interim police chief.
The board resolved the Oyster Point Special Use Permit by approving the order which includes a statement of facts and conclusions of law and details permit requirements.
The development is slated for 501 S. Hwy. 64/264, which is zoned B-2 General Business District. The 2.37-acre development calls for five lots. Lots 1 through 4 will have duplex units and lot 5 will have six town homes in two units. Fourteen boat slips will go with the duplexes and town homes. The development will pump 7,220 gallons per day into the town’s sewer system. The order states, “There is sufficient capacity to accept the design flow.”
The Town of Manteo Board of Commissioners appoints citizens and members of the public to serve on the town’s advisory boards and committees.
The commissioners considered and enacted an amendment to the town’s Code that gives the appointment power to the Historic Preservation and Architectural Review Committee to the commissioners. The appointment power previously rested with the Planning and Zoning Board.
A public hearing was held about the change but no one spoke.
The board proceeded to fill the chairmanship and vacancies on the Preservation Committee. The board named Courtney Schultz as chairperson and appointed Karen Hoffer and Nadine Daniels to the committee to fill the two vacancies. Ryan Thompson spoke during public comment about his willingness to service on the Preservation and Architectural Committee.
Also during public comment, Sarah Benson spoke about the work of the committee. She said, “it is an exciting time in our town.”
Members of the committee are Schultz, Benson, Jay Morris and Beth Storie, who will be joined by Hoffer and Daniels.
The board moved to appoint to the Board of Adjustment one person and two alternates. Appointed to the board is Vicki Basnight. Alternates are Dr. Kevin Wallace and Michael McOwen.
For the Town of Manteo Healthcare Taskforce, the commissioners moved to fill vacancies created by the resignations of Kevin Phillips and Amy Montgomery. The taskforce recommended and the commissioners appointed the following to the taskforce: Randy Hamilton, Michael Basnight, Beatris Beristain, and Lyn Jenkins.
During the town manager update, Melissa Dickerson listed four items:
– “We’ve had an issue with construction debris in dumpsters.” She showed slides of wood and carpeting jamming the garbage truck. The message to contractors is “construction debris belongs in construction dumpsters.”
– During a recent storm, a light pole fell over and another one around a corner from the first was in danger of falling. The town’s vendor said the light poles were beyond repair. The problem stems from the repeated flooding. The anchoring concrete will be increased.
– State of the boardwalk behind the condominium building. The town is preparing an application for a CAMA Access Grant. The total available in the grant program is $3.1 million. Town staff is working on cost estimates. The grant requires 25% match from the applicant. The town has successfully applied for five previous grants from the access program.
– Boards to the lighthouse. Dickerson said the existing boardwalk was designed to drive a truck on. The boards are a different size from those of other wooden walkways that intersect with the lighthouse path. Town staff is working on options.
On the consent agenda, the commissioners approved the contract with its auditors Thompson, Price, Scott, Adams and Co., P.A., from Wilmington, N.C. The contract work is not to exceed $32,250.
The next Town of Manteo Board of Commissioners meeting is scheduled for March 6, 2024 at 6 p.m. in Town Hall.