Early college design for Dare moving quickly

Published 8:33 am Sunday, April 28, 2024

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The design for Dare County Early College is moving rapidly.

One week after an initial meeting, on April 16, 2024, the design crew from Oakley Collier showed up with two versions of building placement on the current College of The Albemarle campus and a reduced square footage.

The decision on placement was quickly made. One design showed the building consuming much of the green space. The group quickly chose the second design showing the new building pulled back from the courtyard, preserving much of the green space and expansion options for the College.

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The building will now be 25,756 square feet. Initially, the building was proposed for 28,000 square feet. Oakley Collier Architects reduced the square footage by eliminating the media center as the college already has one. Secondly, the initial building proposal showed two science labs. As with the college, the early college will have one science lab.

The changes reduced the total square footage by 2,244 square feet.

Preliminary first floor plans show administration offices, a kitchen and inside eating/gathering area facing the courtyard, and a couple of classrooms. The second floor is entirely classrooms.

The entrance to the new building is proposed for Grenville Street. NCDOT will need to issue a driveway permit.

The placement decision was made by the Dare County Capital Improvements Planning Committee.