Gig Line: “I’m Baa-ccc-kkkkkk!”

Hello everybody! I’ve missed you and thank you for saying you’ve missed me! It’s been awhile since I last wrote my ‘Gig Line’ but my absence didn’t mean I wasn’t thinking of you. How could I not? Each time I pick up my cell phone, I kiss my sweetie pie Billy’s picture . . . each time I see our beautiful American flag standing tall or the P.O.W. flag that accompanies it off our front deck . . . and when I see a veteran wearing a hat that proudly boasts their service branch . . . I think of all of you who have served our great nation!

Since my last column, I’ve been hospitalized, had surgery and then some radiation treatments but I’m feeling good, blessed and thankful to God. And if you see me hobbling around with a cane, it’s my knee! But even when ‘Uncle Art’ comes knocking, I’m thankful . . . thankful for heartfelt prayers on my behalf, loving children and genuine friends. I’m thankful too for the most wonderful man in the world, who I love so much and miss terribly. Please know that I love and appreciate you all from the bottom of my heart!

Now, let’s get down to business! Several things are on my mind – the first being Election Day, November 6. If you’re a veteran especially please, please exercise your American privilege and cast your vote; if you won’t be here to vote on November 6, contact our Dare County Board of Elections at 252-475-5630 office to determine early voting schedule and/or make arrangements for absentee voting. If you aren’t able to drive to the polls, ask a family member or friend to take you by for curbside voting . . . just please make every effort to VOTE!

Honestly? Back in the day, I avoided anyone who approached me about voting. I didn’t want to be asked or pressured to vote for candidates that someone else wanted me to vote for. How dare they! But then over time, I matured and realized it was up to me to put my big girl britches on and investigate the choices for myself. I acquired a thirst to learn where they stood on matters of importance to me and then acted on that knowledge and cast my vote accordingly. And of course, my Billy – a real deal, true blue American and veteran was who I leaned on if I still had a question, I leaned on him because I deeply respected his opinion. Now, you’d have to “Bar the door Katie!” to keep me from the polls. I support each person I believe in. It doesn’t matter what they have, what their last name is, what their fiscal status is in life . . . if they truly care about our citizens, if they live kindness to others, stand strong in their faith and the principles we hold dear, if they’ll weigh matters out fairly, if they’re in it for the right reasons, I’m in for them!

My “awakening” about the importance of a VOTE – my vote, changed my whole perspective. Over time, I became so interested that I attended Meet the Candidates events, I read the flyers and/or postcards that flood our mailbox (before I threw them away) and I became more engaged in political news overall. Frankly, I pulled my head out of the sand and became more politically responsible, plain and simple.

Voting takes a few minutes, sometimes you must stand in line – big deal, so what? Do it! It’s a little bit of a sacrifice with your time, but it’s well worth it. Have a say in what goes on around you and when you go to the polls appreciate the folks who stand outside with signs or who sit at candidate booths. They boldly support their candidate – even if you disagree with their choice, appreciate that they do what they do for other. Now, you might be thinking “Okay Marsha, alright already, I get it!” Goody!  I’ll look for you at the polls!

Now on a really fun note . . . guess what? You’re invited! This Monday, October 8 at 7 p.m., the U.S.A.F. “Rhythm In Blue” Jazz Band will perform a two-hour free concert at Manteo First Assembly, 812 Wingina St. in Manteo. This 15-member ensemble will offer an array of musical entertainment that you won’t forget! Veterans, non-veterans and anyone who loves our military and good music should not miss this special event. Everyone is welcome so please be there before or by 7 p.m. I’ll be looking for you!

Until next time, be happy, be safe and be proud of our United States Armed Forces, be thankful for all the men and women who have sacrificed so much; for those who have served overseas, for those who have and currently serve stateside and for all the families who have shared their loved ones with all of us! Be the American you wish everyone else was . . . chin up, chest out, stick by your faith, our Constitution, our stars and stripes and by all means, each other. I love you, God bless you and stay tuned . . .



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