Cape Hatteras Elementary students compete in Science Olympiad
Published 8:26 am Sunday, March 24, 2019
- Cape Hatteras Elementary Science Olympiad participants are, front row from left, Jack Revere, Joey Gavetti, Quin Farrow, Mikie Gavetti; back row from left, assistant coach Tracy Shisler, Hunter Ferguson, Michael Bruner, Gilliam Shisler, Zeke Willis, head coach Jenn Augustson, Anthony Gavetti. Courtesy photo
Cape Hatteras Elementary School represented Dare County at the 2019 Division A Regional NC Science Olympiad Tournament in Pitt County on Saturday, March 16.
The NC Science Olympiad website states that this is a “challenging and self-motivating program that aligns with the NC Standard Course of Study as well as the National Science Education Standards. The events are designed to enhance and strengthen both science content and process skills.”
Cape Hatteras Elementary students competed in the following events:
3,2,1 Blast Off: students designed a soda bottle rocket to stay aloft for the longest amount of time.
Rock Star: teams demonstrated their knowledge of rocks and minerals.
Pasta Tower: students were tasked with building the lightest tower, constructed of only pasta and glue, that can support a load of up to 10 kg.
Ramp and Roll: teams were challenged with building a ramp and creating a vehicle out of K’nex materials that would travel a certain distance and stop as close to the finish line as possible.
Duct Tape Challenge: students were given the task upon arrival to construct the tallest Eiffel Tower replica out of duct tape.
Out of the 19 elementary schools that competed in the tournament, Cape Hatteras Elementary teams brought medals home in two events.
Quin Farrow and Zeke Willis placed third in the Ramp and Roll event.
Hunter Ferguson and Jack Revere placed 1st in the Duct Tape Challenge.
Cape Hatteras Elementary School PTA and the Hatteras Island Youth Education Fund provided funding that made competing in this event possible.
This was the first time that CHES participated in the North Carolina Science Olympiad and students and coaches look forward to continuing this new tradition.
For more information about the NC Science Olympiad, visit