Kitty Hawk talks parking improvements
Published 8:35 am Thursday, May 12, 2022
- Attending the May 2 Kitty Hawk Town Council meeting were, from left, town attorney Casey C. Varnell, David Hines, Lynne McClean, Mayor Craig Garriss, Jeff Pruitt, Charlotte Walker and town manager Andy Stewart. Still from Kitty Hawk video
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Parking, a land use plan public hearing date and a proclamation recognizing municipal clerk week were part of a short May 2 Kitty Hawk Town Council meeting.
In response to a public comment on the need for unrestricted public parking, Mayor Craig Garriss assured residents that Kitty Hawk is adding spaces, not removing them.
Garriss also advised that the new parking areas at Bleriot and Luke Street look great.
Bleriot Street has 26 spaces on both sides of the street and Luke Street offers 13 new spaces with parking only on the north side of the street.
It was also noted that crosswalk areas will be repainted soon and that guidelines parking hour restrictions are in place to prevent overnight parking.
According to town manager Andy Stewart, the Kitty Hawk Bath House restrooms at 3840 North Virginia Dare Trail near Black Pelican Oceanfront Restaurant are now open.
One added agenda item for the evening included approval of a proclamation recognizing the 53rd annual municipal clerk week of May 1 through May 7. Garriss noted that the approval included recognition and appreciation for town clerk Lynn Morris, who has served in that position 35 years.
Other business for the evening included scheduling a public hearing for the land use plan for June 6, approval of the April 4 council meeting minutes, a $1,000,000 budget transfer from the Capital Reserve Fund to the New Police Station Capital Project Fund, a records retention policy adoption to comply with the American Rescue Plan/Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds requirements, an internal controls policy revision approval and three Town Code Section 20 amendments adding Luke and Bleriot streets’ parking areas to the time restricted areas, setting the speed limit on Luke, Bleriot and East Lillian Streets to 10 MPH because of recent parking improvements and reducing Lindbergh Avenue from 25 MPH to 20 MPH due to heavy pedestrian and bicycle traffic.
Council also agreed to study Lindbergh Avenue traffic and parking patterns from Bennett Street to Wilkins Street and review the data at a later date.
At the end of business, council adjourned until the 6 p.m. June 6 meeting.