Two hearings set for Currituck BOC on Aug. 5
Published 7:55 am Sunday, August 4, 2019
Two public hearings are scheduled at the Aug. 5 meeting of the Currituck County Board of Commissioners.
The hearings are calendared to start at 6 p.m. in the Historic Currituck County Courthouse, 153 Courthouse Rd. in Currituck.
The first hearing concerns financing for the design and construction of a Public Safety Training and County Offices facility in Maple. A resolution authorizes approval of a financing agreement not to exceed $25 million. This project is a partnership with College of The Albemarle.
The second hearing is about an economic development incentive for a project by Buffalo City Distillery, LLC. The hearing notice states: “Under the contract, the County will make an economic development incentive grant in the amount of $14,305.00 funded from the County’s General Fund. The County Board of Commissioners believes that the project will stimulate and stabilize the local economy and provide new, permanent jobs in the County.”
For further information, contact the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners at 252-232-2075. A full meeting agenda will be placed on the county website prior to the meeting at
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