Election results are in, audit count Friday
After months of campaigning, forums, debate amongst both candidates and constituents, advertising of all types – newspaper, television, direct mail, signage, social media and web – the 2018 General Election has come to a close.
The Dare County Board of Elections will perform a state mandated sample audit count on Friday, November 9.
Unofficial results are in and races saw victors in both incumbents and newcomers. The vote on amendments to the North Carolina Constitution was split.
Incumbent Rep. Walter B. Jones, an unopposed Republican, continues in his role for U.S. House of Representatives for District 3. He received 186,145 votes from the counties he represents: Beaufort, Camden, Carteret, Chowan, Craven, Currituck, Dare, Greene, Hyde, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Pitt and Tyrrell.
Republican Bob Steinburg, currently serving in the North Carolina House of Representatives for District 1, was elected to the N.C. State Senate for District 1. He received 39,554 votes from counties in that district: Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Hertford, Hyde, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Tyrrell and Washington. Running against Steinburg, Democrat D. Cole Phelps received 34,729 votes. In the breakdown of results by voting method, Phelps received more provisional and absentee votes – both one stop and by mail – but the Steinburg brought in enough on election day to win.
The race for N.C. House of Representatives for District 6 was won by Republican Bobby Hanig, who brought in 18,437 votes from Currituck, Dare, Hyde and Pamlico counties. Votes for Tess Judge numbered 15,045.
Ervin Bateman, a Democrat, won the Dare County Board of Commissioners At-Large seat with 8,428 votes to Republican Anne Petera’s 7,794. Petera received more votes on November 6, but not enough for Bateman’s lead in one stop and by mail absentee votes. Bateman will succeed Jack Shea, who currently occupies that role on the board.
Republican incumbent Jim Tobin will retain his spot representing District 1 on the Dare County Board of Commissioners with 8,729 votes. Opponent Rosemarie Doshier, a Democrat, received 7,461 votes. Doshier lead in one stop and by mail absentee votes, but Tobin topped on Election Day.
Incumbent Republican Rob Ross, who ran unopposed, will continue to serve the Dare County Board of Commissioners representing District 2. He received 10,190 votes.
For the Dare County Board of Education races, Republican Frank Hester will represent District 1 and incumbent Democrat Margaret Lawler will represent District 3. Both ran unopposed and received 10,467 and 9,345 votes, respectively.
Incumbent Joe Tauber, a Republican, will remain on the Dare County Board of Education for District 2, receiving 8,395 votes to opponent Democrat Jen Alexander’s 7,642. Alexander lead in one stop and by mail absentee votes, but turnout for Tauber was high enough Tuesday for him to take the race.
Incumbent Republican Dean Tolson remains Dare County’s Clerk of Superior Court. Running unopposed, he received 10,699 votes.
Republican Cheryl House won the Dare County Register of Deeds race against incumbent Democrat Vanzolla McMurran. Candidates received 8,331 and 7,701 votes, respectively. McMurran lead in one stop and by mail absentee votes, while votes for House were higher on Tuesday.
Running unopposed, Dare County Sheriff J.D. “Doug” Doughtie, a Republican, brought in 11,057 votes.
Four constitutional amendments got the nod from North Carolina voters: Protect Right to Hunt and Fish, Strengthening Victims Rights, Maximum Income Rate of 7.0% and Require Photo ID to Vote. Both Nonpartisan Judicial Merit Commission and Bipartisan Board of Ethics and Elections were voted down.
Running unopposed, Republican R. Andrew Womble remains District Attorney for District 1. He received 45,371 votes from Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans counties.
For the N.C. Supreme Court Associate Justice Seat 1, Democrat Anita Earls won with 1,790,224 votes. Republicans Barbara Jackson and Christopher Anglin received 1,238,053 and 595,142 votes, respectively.
Democrat John Arrowood won the N.C. Court of Appeals Judge Seat 1 with 1,832,725 votes to 1,786,694 votes for Republican Andrew Heath. Democrat Tobias Hampson won Seat 2 with 1,744,583 votes, while Republicans Jefferson Griffin and Sandra Alice Ray received 1,284,955 and 557,126 votes, respectively. Seat 3 went to Democrat Allegra Katherine Collins with 1,751,692 votes to 1,699,454 and 165,901 votes, respectively, for Republican Chuck Kitchen and Libertarian Michael Monaco Sr.
N.C. Supreme Court Judge District 1 Seat 1 and Seat 2 were won by Democrat J.C. Cole (40,269 votes) and Republican Jerry Tillett (43,549 votes), respectively. Both were unopposed.
N.C. District Court Judge District 1 races were won by Democrat Robert Parks Trivette, Seat 1 with 37,341 votes; Democrat Eula Reid, Seat 2 with 37,085 votes and Republican Meader Harriss with 42,023 votes. All three were unopposed.